Eat out

Impartial reviews of eating out and cafe life in Eastbourne and the East Sussex areas. These are written by an experienced, independent journalist. I pay my way. These are not ‘sponsored’ or ‘ads’. Thanks for reading!

The Good Grub Eastbourne

REVIEW: The Good Grub  

I may have reached Peak Smug on a recent Sunday, eating lunch at The Good Grub restaurant at the back of the very grand Grand Hotel building.  Not only was I eating vegan and saving a tiny cloud of farmed animal emissions, I watched torrential rain cascade off the green striped canopy onto Compton Road […]

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REVIEW: Mad Catter Cat Café 

The first item on the agenda to note is … this place has a lot of cats.   In fact, there are 16 featured on the website, not all of which are visible to the naked eye inside the café. I forgot to count how many were draped across hammocks, tucked inside cat igloos and festooned […]

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REVIEW: Déjà Vu restaurant 

There are probably many corners of Eastbourne still redolent of the 1950s, despite the shiny allure of 2023 with its new-fangled shopping centre and block-paved bus lanes.  And there’s nothing wrong with a solid bit of yesteryear when it’s bathed in a golden glow.  That was when you had conversations with people while looking at […]

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REVIEW: Bistrot Pierre 

The mantra ‘location, location, location’ does not only apply to where you live, as Kirsty and Phil of the Channel 4 house-hunting show of the same name stipulate.   It’s pretty crucial with eating out too. Whether it’s handy for public transport if you’re well refreshed or not overlooking a row of bins down a dark […]

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REVIEW: DQ Terrace Bar & Café 

It often seems moaning about ‘the council’ is Britain’s national pastime.   Most Facebook groups would be tumbleweed-quiet (apart from the missing cat notices) if you stripped out all the “Why don’t they…?” comments complaining about Wherevertown Council.  I’m all for local authority scrutiny and impartial reports by journalists about what is going on: the good, […]

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REVIEW: Little Elephant 

When you’re away from home seeking a refuel at lunchtime, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to avoid ‘smashed avocado’.  This culinary totem of Britain of the 2020s possibly started when people realised that the chances of getting neat slices out of a slightly over-ripe avocado were slim to zero.  And it sounds better than ‘oops, I-mushed-it-to-bits-by-mistake’ […]

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