
Impartial reviews about places to go, shows to see and eating out, mostly in the Eastbourne area and East Sussex

REVIEW: Battle Abbey 

Is this where the Brexit vote came from? The spot where King Harold was slain by the invading Norman French 957 years ago.   William of Normandy was respectful of where his enemy died, so a stone tablet marks the place.  Standing on the ridge of Senlac Hill, one strains to imagine thousands of Anglo-Saxon […]

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REVIEW: Déjà Vu restaurant 

There are probably many corners of Eastbourne still redolent of the 1950s, despite the shiny allure of 2023 with its new-fangled shopping centre and block-paved bus lanes.  And there’s nothing wrong with a solid bit of yesteryear when it’s bathed in a golden glow.  That was when you had conversations with people while looking at […]

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REVIEW: Bistrot Pierre 

The mantra ‘location, location, location’ does not only apply to where you live, as Kirsty and Phil of the Channel 4 house-hunting show of the same name stipulate.   It’s pretty crucial with eating out too. Whether it’s handy for public transport if you’re well refreshed or not overlooking a row of bins down a dark […]

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REVIEW: DQ Terrace Bar & Café 

It often seems moaning about ‘the council’ is Britain’s national pastime.   Most Facebook groups would be tumbleweed-quiet (apart from the missing cat notices) if you stripped out all the “Why don’t they…?” comments complaining about Wherevertown Council.  I’m all for local authority scrutiny and impartial reports by journalists about what is going on: the good, […]

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REVIEW: Polegate High Street

Polegate High Street should be a delightful place to shop and linger.  It could feature in a classic Ladybird illustration of Shopping with Mother, wholesome girl and boy at her side on a sunny day as they visit the bakery, the greengrocers and butchers.   There’s a mainline railway station, a church (below) opposite Victorian villas […]

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REVIEW: Little Elephant 

When you’re away from home seeking a refuel at lunchtime, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to avoid ‘smashed avocado’.  This culinary totem of Britain of the 2020s possibly started when people realised that the chances of getting neat slices out of a slightly over-ripe avocado were slim to zero.  And it sounds better than ‘oops, I-mushed-it-to-bits-by-mistake’ […]

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REVIEW: Where the grass is always greener 

There is one modest oasis of green among the baked yellow-brown lawns which lie dormant under the relentless sun.   The grass at Motcombe Gardens is still the correct English summer green. It is a startling sight to drought-weary visitors as a hosepipe ban comes into force.  I only noticed this verdant phenomenon, pictured below, when looking […]

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REVIEW: Old Town Recreation Ground, Eastbourne 

‘The Rec’ means, as we all know, a recreation ground.   And ‘the Rec’ also often means a rectangle of bare ground, tufts of grass, maybe a climbing frame, possibly some crooked goal posts, often a weed-spattered stretch of tarmac which may be meant for ball games.  It frequently connotes an urban spot, populated with imbibers […]

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Entrance to the Sovereign Centre leisure centre in Eastbourne

REVIEW: The Sovereign Centre, Eastbourne 

A large part of Eastbourne’s charm is that it doesn’t trouble itself with any more of the 21st century that it absolutely has to.  So there is an airy new extension to the shopping centre and pale-brick pavement and road combo, but still plenty of very English cafes serving stuff with beans and B&Bs which […]

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REVIEW: Top deck of the 12X bus from Eastbourne to Brighton

By Rebecca Maer There are three main reasons to travel by bus to Brighton rather than drive:  1. The ability to gaze lingeringly at rolling downland, a coastal panorama and the skyscape without a head-on collision  2. The voyeuristic frisson from the top deck with a grandstand view of other people’s gardens and, if you’re […]

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