‘The Rec’ means, as we all know, a recreation ground.
And ‘the Rec’ also often means a rectangle of bare ground, tufts of grass, maybe a climbing frame, possibly some crooked goal posts, often a weed-spattered stretch of tarmac which may be meant for ball games.
It frequently connotes an urban spot, populated with imbibers of strong cider from cans so the ‘recreation’ is more heavy supping than hearty and sporting.
But not in the Old Town Rec in Eastbourne, an edge-of-downland vision of lush grass, wild flowers and swaying trees.

I discovered it while house hunting in a lockdown winter, a bladder-stretching activity when nobody was allowed inside anywhere, ever, for any reason.
The Old Town Rec public toilets were considerately left open, so became a beacon of relief.
The picnic table in the playground was a useful perch for the flask of coffee between appointments.
And when summer came, the full glory of Old Town Rec was revealed to us.
Wild flowers! Sea views from the top! Perfectly positioned benches!
It feels like a pristine slice of the 1950s with parents and children in the playground, teenagers winding each other up, children kicking balls between the goal posts and dog walkers travelling in ever decreasing circles.
The extra stretch of greensward to the left as you walk up the hill feels like a secret park, even though it is clearly visible and presumably known to thousands.

Graceful avenues of trees sway around the perimeter while beautiful borders of summer meadow plants nod in the downland breeze in high summer.
And the view from the benches at the top is unexpected (from a ‘rec’) and inspiring: a clear sweep across the town and Pevensey Bay towards Hastings.
The winter brought a new perspective. It was the perfect venue around which to haul oneself after that bit too long at a computer.

And that low, clear light through the outline of trees is exactly what eyeballs need after yet another WFH session.
Lewes and Eastbourne Councils’ website describes it as having ‘lawn areas for casual recreation’. Oh, come on! Forget the ultra-safe council-speak – it’s a sparkling stretch of grass, meadow, trees, fun and panoramic views.
A survey from 2014 on the council website notes several people mentioned what they would love to see: a café.

And now the Old Town Hub Community Interest Company, which provides and maintains the newly-painted tennis courts, has planning approval and is awaiting the final permissions for a café.
Very humorous,you do have a way with words!! I enjoyed walking there when you took me round to explore the wilderness of Eastbourne!